

Bazooka tube & bullet cases
Cev bazuke i caure od metaka2

Donor: Srđan Tunić
1984 / Beograd /

Donors' place of residence during the 1990s: Beograd

Object title: Bazooka tube & bullet cases

Place that the object relates to: Beograd

Year that the object relates to: 1999

Question:What does this object represent for you?
Answer: Both objects remind me of one aspect of the nineties, which is difficult and I've been partially spared of it because I was a child. Bazooka tube was found in Resnik in the fields immediately after the bombing, and the bullet cases we collected in the area and exchange between us as they were stickers. Both objects are a sign of (in) visibility of weapons in everyday life.

Question:Why did you donate the object?
Answer: I believe that all objects of material culture represent a time, especially one that was hard and everyone wants to forget.
